Dr. med. Anke Sedlmaier

Pelvic Floor, Running Training, Powertraining, Yoga, Pregnancy & Regression, Back Training, See Better, Head Training
I am Anke, a specialist in surgery, CANTIENICA® instructor, yoga teacher and yoga therapist.
In my years of working in orthopaedics and surgery, knowledge of our anatomy was a rather cognitive matter, characterized by facts and figures – and of course the physical complaints and findings of my patients.
It was only when I started doing bodywork myself that I was able to transfer it to my own body – which greatly enriched both my understanding of anatomy and my work with people. A private passion turned into the desire to work in body therapy.
I now work in my private medical practice in Berlin, where I give individual and group therapeutic lessons in CANTIENICA® and CANTIENICA® yoga – this work fulfills me very much.
It motivates me to support people in finding their strength by becoming aware of and changing postural patterns. This can create a lightness that makes it possible to free yourself from pain.
And that’s not all: by being present in your own body and experiencing self-efficacy, you can develop a new attitude towards yourself and life.
Anke Sedlmaier
Helgolandstraße 1, 14199 Berlin, Berlin


Die Meisterklasse bietet dir fünf perfekt abgestimmte Workouts, die dich herausfordern, deine Kraft stärken und deine Beweglichkeit verbessern – und das mit persönlichem Feinschliff von Benita Cantieni!

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Dienstag, 22. Okt. 2024 – 11 bis 12.30 h

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