Pelvic Floor, Running Training, Powertraining, Yoga, Pregnancy & Regression, Back Training, See Better, Head Training
I am Anke, a specialist in surgery, CANTIENICA® instructor, yoga teacher and yoga therapist.
In my years of working in orthopaedics and surgery, knowledge of our anatomy was a rather cognitive matter, characterized by facts and figures – and of course the physical complaints and findings of my patients.
It was only when I started doing bodywork myself that I was able to transfer it to my own body – which greatly enriched both my understanding of anatomy and my work with people. A private passion turned into the desire to work in body therapy.
I now work in my private medical practice in Berlin, where I give individual and group therapeutic lessons in CANTIENICA® and CANTIENICA® yoga – this work fulfills me very much.
It motivates me to support people in finding their strength by becoming aware of and changing postural patterns. This can create a lightness that makes it possible to free yourself from pain.
And that’s not all: by being present in your own body and experiencing self-efficacy, you can develop a new attitude towards yourself and life.

Helgolandstraße 1, 14199 Berlin, Berlin