“24 years ago, I had a hysterectomy, followed by a major life crisis. Eight years ago, I needed to have surgery again, this time to lift my prolapsed rectum and bladder.
After a while, I felt my organs hanging down again. I suffered severe pain in my pelvic floor, I felt weak and as if everything would just drop down and out. If I did even the slightest bit of lifting, I felt that painful downward pressure. I felt burned out and panicky; it was all just too much.
Earlier attempts to avoid surgery through working less, bravely training my outer musculature, and lots of therapeutic support had failed. Now my doctors told me that the next operation would be very complex and complicated – and without any guarantee for lasting results. I felt desperate!
Considering my current state of exhaustion at the time, the physicians did not recommend any further surgery, anyway. Instead, they said that the best thing would be if I went to Tenerife and into the care of a doctor friend of theirs who ran a center for salutogenesis and offered CANTIENICA® training. Maybe, they said, there was a chance for me … In any case, I had to reduce my workload immediately and get some rest. I began to hope again. I was ready to do anything, as long as I didn’t have to have another of those doubtful operations.
I found out that a certified CANTIENICA® instructor gave classes in my village, so I immediately booked some private sessions and practiced 1-2 hours at home every day with a CD. Even though I love my job, I gave it up almost completely for the time being. I just took care of myself, got lots of rest, and did something nice for myself every day.
Feeling that things were really serious this time, I treated myself to a three-week cure in Tenerife (www.eridanos.org) where I took daily CANTIENICA® sessions with Dr. Solveig Hoffman and enjoyed lots of rest and
After six months of disciplined pelvic floor training, I had almost entirely overcome my symptoms. I could go hiking again and lift small weights. Today, eleven months later, my pelvis feels younger and stronger than ever, completely symptom-free and robust!
By now I have also realized that at almost 60, I may well approach work a little more slowly. I keep doing my weekly training as it does me good. I am very, very grateful for this method and will keep recommending it!”