Die Meisterklasse bietet dir fünf perfekt abgestimmte Workouts, die dich herausfordern, deine Kraft stärken und deine Beweglichkeit verbessern – und das mit persönlichem Feinschliff von Benita Cantieni!
General Terms and Conditions of CANTIENICA AG for Participation in Trainings, Listeners, Refreshers and Workshops
1. definitions
GTC means General Terms and Conditions
Registered office corresponds to the registered office of CANTIENICA AG. The registered office is located at Seefeldstrasse 215 in 8008 Zurich, Switzerland.
2. scope
The GTC apply to all participation in courses and diploma trainings offered by CANTIENICA AG. CANTIENICA AG reserves the right to change these GTC at any time. The version of these GTC in force at the time of registration for a course or diploma training is decisive for the conclusion of the contract and cannot be changed unilaterally after registration. Any terms and conditions of the customer that conflict with or deviate from these GTC are not recognized and are hereby expressly rejected.
3. service offer
The offers of CANTIENICA AG (diploma trainings, level refreshers, topic refreshers, workshops etc.) are open to the licensees of CANTIENICA AG depending on the level. The training-specific participation requirements can be found in the course descriptions on the website For some offers there are questionnaires that can be downloaded from the website or ordered by e-mail from CANTIENICA AG.
The trainings to become a CANTIENICA® instructor resp. to become a CANTIENICA® instructor are modular. Participation in a higher level training module requires that the preceding training modules have been successfully completed. There are the following training modules:
– CANTIENICA®-Method Level 1 Bronze (includes the basics of the CANTIENICA®-Method plus CANTIENICA®-The Coaching)
– CANTIENICA® Method Level 2 Silver
– CANTIENICA® Method Level 3 Gold
– CANTIENICA® Method Level 4 Platinum
– CANTIENICA® in Yoga (can be taken as a first or individual module)
Detailed descriptions of the training modules are available on the website at The descriptions of the training modules are for customer orientation and are not binding.
Participation in the 5-day intensive seminar of the CANTIENICA® Method Level 1 Bronze requires the conclusion of a license agreement. Information on the license agreement is available at
4. conclusion of contract and withdrawal
All contracts concerning participation in training courses conducted by CANTIENICA AG are concluded with CANTIENICA AG.
The contract concerning the participation in a training is concluded as soon as the customer registers for the participation on the website or by e-mail or fax. A binding contract concerning the participation in the corresponding training is concluded on the website via the button “Send form”. The receipt of your registration or the conclusion of the contract will be confirmed to the e-mail you provided after the conclusion of the contract. The confirmation does not include a promise that the training can be carried out on the scheduled date. It merely shows that the submitted registration has been received and thus the contract with CANTIENICA AG has come into effect.
The information about dates and training locations for the trainings conducted by CANTIENICA AG cannot be guaranteed. CANTIENICA AG can unilaterally and without the consent of the customer postpone training units with an insufficient number of participants, combine them, determine other locations for the execution of the training or cancel the training with repayment of the full participation fee, even at short notice. Any postponements of dates, changes in the composition of the training courses, changes in the training location, etc. will be communicated to the customer immediately by CANTIENICA AG by e-mail. If the customer cannot participate in a training in case of postponement, he can withdraw from the contract within 14 days from receipt of the e-mail concerning the postponement, which results in the repayment of the participation fee by CANTIENICA AG. Cancellation due to the change of the training location or a changed composition of the training is excluded. Further claims, in particular claims for damages, are excluded.
There are no further cancellation options for the clientele.
CANTIENICA AG appoints one or more qualified persons to lead the training. A change in the training staff does not entitle the participant to rebook the course or to withdraw from the contract.
Together with the confirmation of registration, the client receives the invoice for participation in the training. The definitive reservation of a place for participation in a particular training and the delivery of the course documents will be made after payment of the invoice.
Registrations will be considered in order, with the date of registration being decisive. If a training course is fully booked by the clientele at the time of registration, the registration will also be placed on a waiting list in chronological order. The clientele will be informed by e-mail that they have been placed on a waiting list. An invoice will not be sent to the clientele until space has been allocated for them to attend the training.
5. schedule changes at the request of the clientele
If the customer is prevented from attending due to illness or death of a relative, the customer can rebook the training date free of charge in consultation with CANTIENICA AG. In the event of incapacity due to illness or death of a relative, CANTIENICA AG may require the submission of a doctor’s certificate or a death certificate.
If the client is absent due to illness during the training, the entire training must be repeated at the price of a pure seat.
If the customer wishes a change of date or rebooking for other reasons, CANTIENICA AG must be notified in writing up to 4 months before the start of the training. A change of date or rebooking is possible upon payment of a fee of 20% of the course price. The fees for rebooking appointments can be found on the CANTIENICA AG website at
In no case will the participant be entitled to a refund.
6. participation fees
The participation fees for trainings conducted by CANTIENICA AG are listed on the website at and on the registration form. The prices are in CHF, the price quotations are binding.
After registering for training, the clientele will receive a written invoice to the e-mail address they have provided. After the expiry of the payment deadline, the customer will receive reminders. Costs of CHF 50.00 will be charged per reminder.
7. liability and disclaimer
CANTIENICA AG excludes any liability to the extent permitted by law.
Participation in the individual training courses of CANTIENICA AG is at the customer’s own risk. On the part of CANTIENICA AG any liability for damages in case of accidents, injuries and/or illnesses of the clientele is expressly excluded. To the same extent, liability for actions of auxiliary persons of CANTIENICA AG is excluded. The liability for the loss of valuables of the customers in the training premises of the respective courses and diploma trainings is expressly excluded.
The exclusion of liability includes in particular any liability for (a) slight and ordinary negligence, (b) indirect and consequential damages and lost profits; and (c) unrealized savings.
Expenses in connection with travel to and from the training location as well as any costs for accommodation at the training location are the responsibility of the course participants. CANTENICA AG excludes any liability for booked trips, hotels, actions of third parties or others in connection with the trainings.
8. copyrights to the products, the product contents and the GTCs
The customer acknowledges the copyrights of BENITA CANTIENI or CANTIENICA AG to all course documents, in particular the illustrations contained therein, namely the anatomical representations. All copyrights remain with BENITA CANTIENI and/or CANTIENICA AG. The client agrees to accept the course documents, parts of the documents and especially illustrations contained in certain documents,
– not to reproduce, offer for sale, sell or otherwise distribute;
– not to perform, present, otherwise make perceptible or accessible, directly or by any means, so as to be accessible to persons from places and at times of their choosing.
CANTIENICA AG is the owner of all rights, in particular copyrights, to these GTC.
9. data protection
Personal data will be treated confidentially.
The Privacy Policy (available under Privacy Policy) is an integral part of these GTC. By accepting these GTC, the clientele also agrees to accept the privacy policy.
10. final provisions
Should individual provisions of this contract be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this contract. In this case, the statutory regulation pursuant to the Federal Act on the Supplementation of the Swiss Civil Code (Part Five: Code of Obligations; SR 220) shall apply.
All legal transactions between the customer and CANTIENICA AG shall be governed exclusively by Swiss substantive law, to the exclusion of the conflict of laws provisions, including the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and other international agreements.
The registered office of CANTIENICA AG or the domicile of the customer shall be deemed to be the exclusive place of jurisdiction for actions brought by consumers. The courts at the registered office of CANTIENICA AG shall have jurisdiction for the adjudication of all other disputes relating to the validity, enforceability, interpretation, application and implementation of legal transactions.
© 2018 CANTIENICA AG, Seefeldstrasse 215, 8008 Zurich
Die Meisterklasse bietet dir fünf perfekt abgestimmte Workouts, die dich herausfordern, deine Kraft stärken und deine Beweglichkeit verbessern – und das mit persönlichem Feinschliff von Benita Cantieni!